Below is information about one of our products, Soteria.
Soteria is a free to use discord moderation and security bot. It can protect your discord from malicious link announcements, has moderation, logging, and more.
Free Features
Customizable and easy to use Captcha/Verification system that allows you to verify your users as humans.
Includes ability to make members read the rules before verifying.
Check's users discord privacy settings informing them to turn off their DMs from server members, promiting security.
Provides information on turning 2FA on, and good security practices.
Allows moderators to manually verify a user if they can't complete the captcha.
Moderation Commands
Allows you to remove permissions such as kick, ban, timeout, and more from your moderator/administrator roles and makes them use the bot's command list for a safer punishment system.
Block Harmful Announcements
Allows you to block harmful @ everyone, here, and role pings that include unwhitelisted links.
Powerful Logging
Audit logs are cool and all, but they are annoying to look for, and don't provide indepth information. Our logging module allows you to see in-depth information about every action executed in your server.
[⭐] Premium Features
Purchase premium here:
AntiRaid System
Automatically stop harmful raids without affecting your real, normal users.
AntiBot System
Advanced filtering system that stops bots and scammers from joining your discord.
Global Ban List
Ability to toggle global ban list for raid accounts, scammers, bots, and more.
Custom Messages
Edit the contents of the verification/captcha module.
Last updated