
Commands for our product, Plutus.

NFT Asset Verification

Allows users to verify their NFT assets for specific collections.

  • /nftverification edit - Edit the contractAddress(s) and role(s) to give when verification is succesfull.

  • /nftverification message [channel] - Sends the NFT asset verification message to a channel.

NFT Tracking

Tracks sales/listings/mints from: Opensea, X2Y2, Looksrare, Blur, Genie, and Gem.

  • /tracker sales - Edit the contractAddress(s) and select the channel to post sales in.

  • /tracker listings - Edit the contractAddress(s) and select the channel to post listings in.

  • /tracker mints - Edit the contractAddress(s) and select the channel to post mints in.

Token & Collection Info

Displays information on tokens and collections.

  • /collection edit - Edit's the default collection to display info when using the collection command.

  • /collection info [slug] - Displays information on specified collection. If no collection is provided, it will check if default collection has been set.

  • /token info [tokenId] [slug] - Displays information on specific token in collection. If no collection is provided, it will check if default collection has been set.

Last updated